No, Not in the church!
Marriage and Divorce The way I am addressing this topic is one of controversy in the church. Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of men's hearts. You ever lived with a hard-hearted man, I am here to tell you that it "t'an't nothin" nice. "In the beginning, it wasn't so", but neither was polygamy, meat-eating, and a whole lot of other things. The Lord said he hated divorce, and most of us do too, but he didn't say it didn't need to happen nor did he say it won’t going to happen. Well, guess what? "Shit happens!", It's life in this crazy, mad, evil world. Sometimes bad things, things that are taboo, unspeakable things; they do happen and very often we become better when it happens. Yes, if each of us performed our duties in the manner in which the scripture dictates there would be no need for living with the pain of abuse nor would there be a need for divorce. It is often about intimacy, bei...
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