We know the problem well. What do we do about it?


How can we SOLVE violence in Chicago?

Let's examine a map of Chicago to see where all the killing is happening. Next, let's determine who the alderman is. What kind of tasks do they perform in their ward? The precinct captions are Who? Who are the home and property owners in these areas? Who leases their real estate? What was the selection procedure? How frequently do they inspect their buildings?

Next, what schools are in the area? Who are the administrators of those schools? Does each school have a behavior management team? What are their roles and responsibilities? What continuous and comprehensive training do they need? What resources and training in restorative justice and de-escalation can we provide for the teachers? How can we give control of the school's classrooms and hallways back to the adults? Also, where are the churches in those neighborhoods? Who are the ministers? What services do they offer in the community? What have they done in these neighborhoods besides take up all the parking spaces on Sunday (or Saturday) and give away old clothes and old food? Which church in the neighborhood provides comprehensive therapeutic care for members who have experienced trauma? Do they have a parent coordinator? What parenting classes do they offer?

How many counselors and social workers are on each school campus? Are they conducting peace circles and restorative justice practices? Is comprehensive therapeutic care available to families with trauma?

Next, let's analyze the parks? What FREE programs do they offer to children, teens, young adults, parents, and seniors? The community organizations with 501c3s....what are their visions and missions? How are they helping the community in their specific areas? Are they conducting peace circles and restorative justice practices? Which ones provide comprehensive therapeutic care to families in trauma?

Are there block clubs on each block? If not, why? What activity happens at night on each block? Who are the block club leaders? If blocks don’t have a block leader, let’s find a volunteer? How are the block leaders reporting to precinct captains? How are precinct captains reporting to the alderman? Who can get this ball rolling block by block? If so, when do they meet? What are they doing? What resources do they need? Who are the leaders of these block clubs? Let's call them to this table. How are block clubs planning and implementing beautification projects? How can we support their efforts? How are block club leaders collaborating with other block club leaders in a 5-7 block radius? Every neighborhood needs to form a watch group of men who just sit in their cars-armed and with video cameras. The watch group should just sit, watch wait, record, and take notes about the activity, especially at night.

What about the businesses in the area? Do they deplete the community and then drive to their suburban homes to rest? What are they willing to invest in? Time? Money? Can each one take a young person and teach them their business? Can they consider it a paid internship or pay minimum wage? How can we teach entrepreneurship to the young men on the corners? What churches, park districts, community service organizations, and educational institutions can we support in that effort?

What libraries are in the area? What resources are in that budget? What literacy programs can they create for the citizens who live in the neighborhood? What services do libraries offer children and parents? Do they provide literacy programs? What programs or why not?

What about the park districts? Are they fully staffed? What do they offer for youth during the school year? What about summer? Let’s examine their school year schedules as well as the summer schedule?

What about the police district? How are they protecting and serving? Are the police actually talking to the people in the area they serve? Do the police live in the same district where they work? Why not? Are the officers getting to know the people in the community where they serve? Are they focused on detaining only? Who is in charge of the district? What is their record of reaching the people in their districts? Are they involved in the community? How or Why Not? Are they trained in de-escalation? Is training continuous? What is the documented action plan for protecting the people in those areas? Are they conducting peace circles and restorative justice practices? Are those who were incarcerated and released, provided social services, trauma care, education, and job options? Bring a force of Officer Friendly officers back into the neighborhoods. Have them get to know parents, their children, business people, and community residents. Teach the force of Officer Friendly officers to get out of those cars and interact with the people in the neighborhood. Teach them to know everyone, listen to them, and share stories.

Who gets city funds in those areas? Why are they getting the funds? Let's take a look at their financial records and program plans? Who are the guardians of the gang members? Have they collaborated with other parents of troubled youth? What parenting skills do they need? What agency in the area can offer classes and workshops? What wrap-around services do these households need? How can we get the parents enrolled in the neighboring community college when necessary?

What do the leaders in these areas need to get control of? What can the city provide for them? What resources does the city have that they can bring to the table? Let's dig into the state resources? What is available to help? What about the federal budget? What can trickle down to help solve this problem? What federal resources are available?

What will we do to help bring jobs and economic relief in the most blighted neighborhoods? Where are the people with mentoring abilities in the community? Who else do we need at this table to help analyze this problem? Let's make an action plan? Who's accountable? What actions are necessary? What are the deadlines? Give us an update. What happened? Was the program successful? If so, why? What can we duplicate? What can we improve? What were the strengths? What were the weaknesses? If the program didn't work, why not? What needs to be done differently?

Where is the projector? Let's put this stuff on the wall so everyone at the table can see it? What are your ideas? Where is your research? What have other cities done to control their youth? What have they done to clean it up, besides incarcerating our youth? What can we copy? How does it need to be tweaked? I have questions. What did we miss? What did we not examine? Let’s look at the plan again weekly or bi-monthly?

Let's dig deep. I want to see all of you ADULTS at this table. Where is that map?



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