
What Kind of Woman are You?

Sis, don’t have your man out here looking like a fool for loving you.   I know you have been watched tons of advice videos and read many posts on social media about the kind of man to choose, but few people warn you about the kind of woman you should be. The first thing you need to do is Become a Praying Woman, then Put your unruly tongue a bay, next study Proverbs 31 and be the kind of woman a good man needs in his corner. And if you don’t think, he’s a good man, walk away. If you don’t respect him, what the point?    There is no power in going off because you are in your feelings or just plain mean and evil. If you are not willing to be his peace leave him alone. If you are jealous out of your mind move on. If you don’t have the spirit to be led move out of the way so he can find a woman whom he can grow with and the two can draw one another closer to God. Don’t think you can re-raise him, if you don’t like him really and he doesn’t sit well with you, you don’t really like him, s

We know the problem well. What do we do about it?

  How can we SOLVE violence in Chicago? Let's examine a map of Chicago to see where all the killing is happening. Next, let's determine who the alderman is. What kind of tasks do they perform in their ward? The precinct captions are Who? Who are the home and property owners in these areas? Who leases their real estate? What was the selection procedure? How frequently do they inspect their buildings? Next, what schools are in the area? Who are the administrators of those schools? Does each school have a behavior management team? What are their roles and responsibilities? What continuous and comprehensive training do they need? What resources and training in restorative justice and de-escalation can we provide for the teachers? How can we give control of the school's classrooms and hallways back to the adults? Also, where are the churches in those neighborhoods? Who are the ministers? What services do they offer in the community? What have they done in these neighborhoods

My "Dear Mama" Thoughts

  I watched it, and these are my thoughts, but you might not like them. It reminded me of the late-night pharmaceutical commercials telling me how bad a particular drug is for me but telling me with a beautiful smile, a field of pretty flowers, and good music. The documentary was put together well, and the artwork was amazing. It was well-written and directed nicely. However, I hate to see generations make the same mistakes repeatedly. The message was relevant, and he didn't lie about the problems. However, any potentially viable solutions were mistaken because of the package in which it was paraded. We cannot continue to mix unrighteousness with truth; that is how the enemy operates. Because of his packaging, the message was twisted in the minds of the youth. God could not use this demonstration to move the youth in an honorable direction because of how the message for redemption was presented. All the people whose prefrontal cortex was not developed at that time saw or heard

How do we worship in spirit and truth?

John 4:24 “ God  is  a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship  him  in spirit and in truth. ” How do we worship God in Spirit and truth? The answer to this question is often presented as a mystery. However, there is nothing mysterious about God nor what he requires us to do. We worship HIM in truth by keeping his commandments; walking in truth is as simple as that. We worship HIM in Spirit by allowing the commandments we keep to change our minds and heart and improve our behavior. The Messiah said in the book of Matthew 22:37-40 the two greatest commandments that Moses first announced in Exodus 20:1-17 were to love God with all our hearts, soul, and might, and then to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. The second greatest commandments were said to be of equal value.    In John. 14:15, he said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments. Verse 21 tells us the benefit, "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth m

Students Walk for History


The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano, the African 1789


Exhorting My Sisters Who are Down in the Dumps

I am down in the dumps too, let's get up out of this pit.  You are loved more than you can fathom. You are beautiful, chosen and wanted. You are important and valued. You are not alone even when you feel lonely. Your ability to make the ordinary beautiful is a true gift! Don’t neglect self-care; get up out of that bed, and don’t let it take your strength from you. Get cute, read the Word, and meditate on your favorite scripture. Sing praises to your God let gratitude overtake you and thank for 100 small things around you, today, right here, right now. Take heart when you are discouraged and remember our God will defend you! You are important to God’s plan no matter your relationship status. Fall in love with him, He is where your joy comes from whether you are happily married or not, single, widowed, or divorced.  He did not make you to be abused either physically or emotionally.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. You don’t have to call nobody.