Ten Quick Tips to Show Love to Others


Meditate on 1 Corinthians 13:13 and let God fill you with His love so you can share the love with others. 

  1. Encourage your loved ones, hug them, and tell them you know they can do whatever they put their minds to, and reassure them you will help.  Love the people closest to you.
  2. Pray for others. Give your heart in prayer and intercession for others. Stand in the gap for them. Keep praying until you see a change.
  3. Make someone feel special by paying very close attention to them, listening to them attentively, staying focused, sharing their pain and worries, and encouraging them to stay strong. Share the words of kindness they need. Make them laugh.
  4. Give someone who needs it a smile and a hug. This is simple and does not cost you a thing. 
  5. Use your voice to edify others. Just be joyful and share it with others.
  6. Volunteer your time to help the needy, visit the homeless, the fatherless, the orphans, the elderly, and the widows. Adopt a single-parent family; look around you. There are plenty. Do what you can when you can. Focus on those times that are major to these families, like back-to-school time, feast times, and birthdays.  Pay for a dance class and take the child to class, wait, watch, and encourage him or her.  Pay baseball team fees, pick him or her up, and watch the game.  Purchase materials for a science project and build it.  Take it slow, commit to what you can deliver, and be consistent. You must keep your word to these families.
  7. Share your talent, skills, and knowledge with one person today. Do someone a favor. Run an errand for them. Fix something for someone, teach them how to do it themselves. Make something for someone, bake cookies or a cake for someone who has been overlooked, cut the neighbor’s grass, or make your talent work for someone else. Make a sister a few new headpieces.
  8. Donate your money or material possessions to the poor and needy.  Give something to the elderly that they need.
  9. Visit a sick person, wear a mask, and be ready to serve them when you get there. Pay for a prescription for those who struggle. 
  10. Make these practices habitual.


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